Recap Event: The Impact of Culture in International Sales

Recap Event: The Impact of Culture in International Sales

Last Tuesday (25th June) the MEXCHAM held panel discussion about the Impact of Culture in International Sales.

The panelists were experienced professionals from sales sector. Nerea Olabegoya presented us concept of “blue" and “red" people and then Jeff Seems and Cameron Johnson talked about their experiences doing the sales in China.

The panel offered interesting insights on the cultural differences between the western and Asian culture, and the impact of this divergence on the business between these two worlds.

The concept of blue and red people can help to understand the cultural differences and how the other culture thinks which can allow us be more successful in our international business. We want to thank, as well, to our sponsors and partners for their support during our event.

We hope to see you in our next event on 6th July “Early Summer Party with the Mexcham" our summer networking event where you can enjoy summer vibes and meet new people.

Cámara de Comercio de México en China


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