RECAP Event: The importance of Well-Prepared Women to Society

RECAP Event: The importance of Well-Prepared Women to Society

On May 7th, the Mexican Chamber of Commerce in China (Shanghai Chapter) held a panel with 5 women in the Shanghai professional community to discuss the importance of being well prepared and also how to approach problems in both the personal and the work life.

Shirley Bao, one of our panelists suggested us to first “accept things as they are.” 

Life has negative things, that’s a given. But if we constantly look to stay positive by denying those bad things, then you will never grow.

Karina Blancarte was accurate by explaining that we should simply ride the wave of life with its ups and downs.

Before freaking out over problems, “analyze if they are indeed a problem” as Anna Grabowska-Grabiec explained to us.

Then, you can used the strategy: “If my friend was having this problem, what would I tell them”. Thanks for the tip, Mercedes Gonzalez Juan. 

Finally, we also need to acknowledge the great job our moderator Irania Martinez did during this panel.

*Photos by Erik Zuniga (wechat: Ekoizuniga)

Cámara de Comercio de México en China


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